sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2010

Operating system

instfix -ik

2) to get the memory consuption for a specific process.
You should get the INUSE output and multiply for 4096 to get the value in bytes:
svmon -P (to analyse a specific process)

svmon -G (to analyse the total memory)
svmon -Pnsm (to analyse the top process)

ps auxw  | sort -r +3  (process sort by memory consuption)

svmon -Pt15 | perl -e 'while(<>){print if($.==2||$&&&!$s++);$.=0 if(/^-+$/)}'


1) to analyse the memory usage for each process:
/usr/bin/ps -eo 'zone user pid ppid vsz rss args'

1) to find a specific string in a OUTPUT:
netstat -an | findstr LISTEN

2) to list process from prompt line

3) services
sc qc


memory statistics:
ps -el | sort -rnk10 
will list all processes on the system, sorted by the SZ column.

quinta-feira, 17 de junho de 2010

NIPING tests

#Name resolution
niping -v -H

# With option -L 6048000 the test will run for 7 days.
niping -c -H -B 10000 -D 100 -L 6048000

#niping as server

#niping as client
niping -c -H -X3 -B 10 -D 30 -T NIPING_CLIENT_TRACE


terça-feira, 15 de junho de 2010

Looking for a RFC

You can find all RFC in SM59, but no always is easy to find a specific RFC if you do not have the name.

The table RFCDES have all RFC connection with hostname or IP Address.
You can find in this table with a easy way.

segunda-feira, 14 de junho de 2010

Windows services for start SAP

User should be SAP*SID*_*NR*

To create a new service:

1) Log into the NT machine as adm.
2) Run 'sapstartsrv.exe'.
3) Select "Uninstall Service + Unregister COM Interface"
4) Specify your SID and System Number (NR) and click ok.
5) Select "Install Service + Register COM Interface + Start Service
6) Specify your SID and System Number (NR).
7) Specify your startprofile (use the 'browse' button).
8) Specify your user as (domain\adm or workgroup\SIDadm).
9) Specify the passsword for adm.
10) Click OK.