quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010

HTTPWatch traces

1. Install the free version of HTTPWatch 6.x (http://www.httpwatch.com)
on your Internet Explorer.

2. Start the browser, start the HTTPWatch, click on 'Record' button,
and please reproduce the issue.

3. On finish 'Save' the contents of HTTPWatch as a .hwl file
(Please note: Exporting as CSV or XML is not so helpful, so please use
the default save option).

4. Save .hwl file to this message.

domingo, 12 de setembro de 2010

Logon-Check Availability

Function module responsible: SCSM_RUN_RFC_LOGON_CHECK

All ABAP instance with the 'Logon-Check' is set in the CCMSPING availability configuration
will be monitored by the agent.

The SCSM_RUN_RFC_LOGON_CHECK will do this by creating an ARFC session
for each instance and it will wait for an answers of each of these ARFC.

If you have the note 929577, the sessions time out will be by default 2 seconds. If the note is not implementdthe timeout is determined by RFCPING_TIMEOUT.