Check the note #176492 and ensure than all steps are right in the configuration.
After that, you can trigger an auto-reaction method manualy.
Goto the monitor (in RZ20), Extras - >Active mantainance function
Select the item and go to Edit -> Nodes -> Start Methods -> Start AutoReaction
And check if the emails are display in SCOT or SOST transaction.
1. Central auto-reaction method is assigned to an MTE-class in the
monitor segment of the satellite system for which and agent is
installed via the CEN system, transaction RZ21. After this check
via the transaction RZ20 on the satellite system if the method
assignment is correctly done (select from the menu "Views>Status
2. create a new alert for one of the monitoring nodes on the satellite
system for which a Central Auto-reaction is assigned (Alert status
3. the agent will send the alert information to the CEN system and
store this information in the table CSMCENTOOL and the agent will
4. the SAP_CSM_TRIGGER_CENSYS_DISPATCH event will start the background
5. the background job SAP_CCMS_CENSYS_DISPATCHER will execute the
Central Auto reaction method on the CEN system and when this is
done successfully it will change the status of the alert to ACTIVE
and it will delete the entry in the table CSMCENTOOL.
6.) Check the Open Alerts in the transaction RZ20 on the CEN system:
RZ20>SAP CCMS Technical Expert Monitors>CCMS Selfmonitoring>Tooldisp
atching (central system)>Messages << select this node with the
cursor and click on 'Display
local autoreaction depends on the method dispatcher (sapmssy8), therefore you have a delay up to 300 seconds.
central autoreaction starts an *event triggered* batch job which is started immediately.
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