segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2011

sapcontrol webmethods list

Webmethods list:

==> Start-----------------------------------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function Start
To start up the SAP instance

==> Stop [softtimeout sec]-----------------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function Stop
This is a faster method stop the SAP instance.
This will kill the SAP Instance using OS commands.
The processes of the instance are terminated with a signal 9 (kill -9).
The instance shared memory is also removed (cleanipc remove).
The file in the instance work folder is deleted.

==> Shutdown------------------------------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function Shutdown
A normal shutdown of the instance
The SAP instance will be stopped in normal process.

==> RestartInstance [softtimeout sec]-----------------------------

==> StopService---------------------------------------------------

==> StartService --------------------------------------------

==> RestartService------------------------------------------------

==> ParameterValue []----------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function ParameterValue
Show the instance parameters and the actual parameter value.
Without the option you do list all parameters of the instance.

The same output of: RZ11

==> GetStartProfile----------------------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function GetStartProfile
Show all lines of the instance start profile

The same output of: RZ10

==> GetTraceFile------------------------------------------------

==> GetAlertTree------------------------------------------------

==> GetAlerts---------------------------------------------------

==> GetEnvironment----------------------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function GetEnviroment
This will return the enviroment variable to the
actual user.

The same output of: similar comand "env" in the UX system

==> GetVersionInfo---------------------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function GetVersionInfo
Return the actual version information about each service
from that instance.

The output have the format below:
Filename = File path fo that service
Versioninfo = version and patch level
Time = Date of the compilation

==> GetQueueStatistic-----------------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function GetQueueStatistic
Show the Queue information of the instance.

The same output of: SM51 -> Goto -> Queue Information

The output have the format below:
Typ = Type of the queue (ex: DIA, UPD, BTC, etc)
Now = Actual number of waiting requests
High = The bigger number of requests in the queue
Max = Limit of the queue
Writes =
Reads =

==> GetProcessList-------------------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function GetProcessList
This will return all services from the instance and the actual status of
each one.

The output have the format below:
name = Program name
description = Service Description
dispstatus = GRAY = unavailable, GREEN = running, YELLOW = statring
textstatus = Information about the service
starttime = Started at
elapsedtime = Time running
pid = Process ID in the Operating System

==> GetInstanceProperties------------------------------------

==> ListDeveloperTraces--------------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function ListDeveloperTraces
List the developer traces found in the work folder

The same output of: ST11

The output have the format below:
filename =
size =
modtime =

==> ReadDeveloperTrace -----------------

==> ListLogFiles---------------------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function ListLogFiles
List all logs from the instance.

The same output of: ST11

The output have the format below:
filename = the file of the trace
size = size of the file
modtime = last modification of the trace
format = usually text

==> ReadLogFile [ [ [ []]]]

==> AnalyseLogFiles [] [] [ ]

==> OSExecute ----

==> SendSignal -------------------------------

==> GetSystemInstanceList-----------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function GetSystemInstanceList

The output have the format below:
hostname =
instanceNr =
httpPort =
httpsPort =
startPriority =
features =
dispstatus =


==> StopSystem [ALL|SCS|DIALOG|ABAP|J2EE|LEVEL [[] [softtimeout sec]]]

==> RestartSystem [ALL|SCS|DIALOG|ABAP|J2EE|LEVEL [[] [softtimeout sec]]]

==> AccessCheck ---------------------------------

==> ABAPReadSyslog-----------------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function ABAPReadSyslog
List the SAP syslog entried.

The same output of: SM21

The output have the format below:
Time =
Typ =
Client =
User =
Tcode =
MNo =
Text =
Severity =
2011 02 12 20:26:46, D0, 000, SAPSYS, , A10, SAP Basis System: Initialization complete, GREEN

==> ABAPReadRawSyslog--------------------------------------

==> ABAPGetWPTable-----------------------------------------
BASIC: sapcontrol -nr -function ABAPGetWPTable
List the work process table list.
The same output of: SM50

The output have the format below:
No, Typ, Pid, Status, Reason, Start, Err, Sem, Cpu, Time, Program, Client, User, Action, Table
0, DIA, 9254, Wait, , yes, , , 0:04:50, , , , , ,
1, DIA, 9255, Wait, , yes, , , 0:00:28, , , , , ,
2, DIA, 9258, Wait, , yes, , , 0:00:21, , , , , ,

==> J2EEControlProcess
==> J2EEGetProcessList
==> J2EEGetThreadList
==> J2EEGetSessionList
==> J2EEGetCacheStatistic
==> J2EEGetApplicationAliasList
==> J2EEGetVMGCHistory
==> J2EEGetVMHeapInfo
==> StartWait
==> StopWait
==> WaitforStarted
==> WaitforStopped

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